LOG IN WITH BOMBUS 1.Open Your Bombus or Bombusmod.
2.username : your id name. (dont put @nimbuzz.com)
3.password : your password
4.server: nimbuzz.com
5.host name/ip : openfire.nimbuzz.com
6.port: 5222
7.resource: www.khantabib.hexat.com
8.save your account and connect. CONNECT CHATROOMS 1.Login Your Nimbuzz account
2.Then Go Conference Option On Your Bombus & select new conference
3.Then Type Your Chatroom Name Which room You Want To Enter.
4.Then Type server :conference.nimbuzz.com
5.Then Enter The Chatroom And Enjoying Chatting. XML SENDING 1.Login Your Nimbuzz account
2.Goto Tool-->XML CONSOLE.
3.Enable it.
4.Post xml and send AUTOTRANS2CYR 1.Login Your Nimbuzz account.
2.Goto Tool->Option->Mark Autotrans2cyr
3.By this you can use stylish font in respective Bombus HIDE CLIENT VERSION 1.Login Your Nimbuzz account.
2.Goto Tool->Option->UnMark Shared Platform Info FOR MAKING AUTORESPOND 1.Login Your Nimbuzz account.
2.Goto Status.
3.Then EDIT.Write your Message.
4.Set Priority 100
5.Mark ENABLE AUTORESPOND How to join Room Select option to join Room & Conference again select option go to new Room & Conference there you see a page join Conference & ROOM NAME=Your Room HOST= conference.nimbuzz.com
NICKNAME=leave blank then press option select join Room now you are in the room then press scoller down key then select option go to new message write and send to Room if you want to leave Room select back option then press action there you see 3 option 1 LEAVE ROOM, 2 STATUS CHANGE ,3 NICKNAME SELECT LEAVE ROOM thats all. ENJOY -==BACK==- Created&Powerd by...............♫♥◦·.·´`·.♥KHAN♥.·´¯`·.·♪TABIB♫♥◦·.·´¯`·.@nimbuzz.com ♪♫♥◦·.·´¯`·.♥KEEPVISITING.Latest Downloads
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