h*a*c*k*i*n*g Explained Many people have got wrong opinion about h*a*c*k*i*n*g, h*a*c*k*i*n*g has been misunderstood to a great extent, so today I will try to make things lil <br />clear to you all. I am gonna tell u what h*a*c*k*i*n*g is all about. i will beexplaining h*a*c*k*i*n*g keeping nimbuzz perspective in mind as Iknow U all <br />are interested in intruding into nimbuzz ids h*a*c*k*i*n*gmeans to intrude into computers and networks or steal credentials., the purpose can be anything like making illicit profits, scaring the victim, protesting, conveying a message etc etc.. Infact h*a*c*k*i*n*g has been mostly misunderstood., h*a*c*k*i*n*g is supposed to be a positive process, better called asethical h*a*c*k*i*n*g or white hat h*a*c*k*i*n*g..The type of h*a*c*k*i*n*g that U guys are mostly interested in (stealing other peoples' credentials), that h*a*c*k*i*n*g is for sure a negative process and this type of h*a*c*k*i*n*g is better calledcracking or black hat h*a*c*k*i*n*g.Ethicalhackers or white hat hackers use h*a*c*k*i*n*g techniques for positive purposes like testing the security of networks or systems e.g penetration tests or vulnerability assessments inwhich they make sure that the system they are testing is secure from intruders and take necessary steps to enhance security if the tests fail, while black hat hackers use the techniques to intrude into others' systems unlawfully orsteal credentials of users (like when u c*r*a*c*k* nimbuzz ids on purpose of animosity). There are other types of hackers aswell like grey hat hackers who intrude into others' systems only to scare/notify the admin without causing any damage.Let me not go deep into explaining h*a*c*k*i*n*g as it is a very vast subject., lemme rather concentrate on cracking part which u people are interested in. h*a*c*k*i*n*g is of different types but i will stick to cracking ids (stealing username/password)SO LET ME TELL U ABOUT THE TECHNIQUES OF CRACKING NIMBUZZ IDS:<br />1stof all let me tell u that h*a*c*k*i*n*g is mere tricking (Cheating). If u find any websites on internet which claim of selling tools to h*a*c*k* gmail, nimbuzz, facebook etc, thatz all spam, an easy method of robbing u, they demand money, so plz dont fall prey.. U can h*a*c*k* people only by <br />
tricking them, u will get to understand things better, keep reading..1. The easiest way of h*a*c*k*i*n*g nimbuzz ids is usingcrackers and pass lists. U<br />can get an application inwhich u feed the id of victim and u select a password list (a text file containing passwords) and if the password of the victim is in list, u will get the password but if the password is not in list, u will fail to c*r*a*c*k* the id. U can use the below c*r*a*c*k*e*r* and passlist to try ur luck. C*r*a*c*k*e*r 15MB passlist _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Other way of cracking is usingkeyloggers.Keyloggers are programs which record keystrokes on pc. If u manage to install ur configured keylogger onto ur victim's pc u will get a log file containing keystrokes of his/her pc and whenever he logs into any account like nimbuzz, facebook, gmail etcthe username and password he enters will also be logged into the log file and that way u will get the victim's credentials. U can bind keyloggers into applications and trickur victims.4. The other way of cracking isremote administrationinwhich u can connect to a remote IP address. Remote administration wasdeveloped to monitor and manage systems remotely but later black hat crackers started misusing this technique for intruding into systems unlawfully. Now what remote administration tools or trojans do is that they give u full access to ur victim's computer by establishing a tcp/ipconnection on its ip address. U can find many RAT tools which u can useto make ur own RAT servers and as soon as anyone executes ur server
file his/her pc will send a bot to u which will give u complete access to his/her pc. U can bind ur RAT server with any non-suspicious file like an application file, a video file or a graphic file. U can do anything wth victim's pc like copy, delete, add files, install keylogger, format drives, send messages, change registries and other settings, remote administration is very fatal for the user and by far the worst thing a victim can go through. Here PC h*a*c*k*i*n*g by pro rat has been explained by one of our members: Download Pro Rat V1.9 and I will teach u in a separate post how to use it to hack ur enemy's PC. Disclaimer: I strongly discourage using of these techniques against innocent people for getting urself avenged. DOWNLOAD HERE the password for the archive ispro I will be writing a detailed tutorial about pc h*a*c*k*i*n*g by better RAT apps very soon.Nomatter how strong ur victim's password is, u'll get his password by 2nd, 3rd and 4th methods,, only u need to use ur brains and trick ur victim.. if ur victim is too smart and careful u wont be able to do much harm.U also have to make sure u are safe from such things, so for that U have to be extra careful and smart. Update ur antivirus regularly, use key scramblers, mask ur ips and dont fall prey to fake pages n spams.I hope this tute helps u understand h*a*c*k*i*n*g/cracking better. If u know about any other techniques of cracking ids, plz feel free to add in comments. and if u have got any doubts regarding above tute plz ask in comments. thankyou _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Get ur h*a*c*k*e*d nimbuzz id back If U want to keep ur nimbuzz main id or flood ids safe, all you need to do is to register a mobile no. or an email in that id. Whenever anyone hacks ur id, u can goto forgot password in nimbuzz client and give ur phone number over there, u will get the password of ur hacked id as an sms on ur phone, and if u have registered an email id in ur nimbuz id, then visit http://www.nimbuzz.com/en/forgot-password and write the email address u have registered, fill the capcha and submit, u will get a password reset link as an email, click on that link and u will be taken to a page where u can reset ur password and hence get ur id back.But now the problem is that if a hacker hacks ur id, he/she most of the time removes the phone number and email from account details of ur id which make it useless for one to use password reset methods, but u should not panic, as nimbuzz server stores the history of ur account, in that case all u have to do is to send an email at support@nimbuzz.com from ur registered email and inform the support about ur id being hacked, and also give all the details like 1. Email and ph nos registered.2. Date and time when id was hacked.3. Date when id was created.4. Previous password.5. If anyone had warned you.and u can add some more details like no. of contacts, time of last successful login etc. HOPE THIS HELPS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Anti-h*а*ċ*k flood ids Most of the time people keep asking how to keep flood ids safe as we know many flood apps contain keyloggers or mail protocols and the developers manage to retrieve ur passwords or sometime even using simple crackers people can dupe u of ur passwords, so the simplest method is to make sure that even if anyone manages to hа*ċk ur flood series, u should have adopted some policy to retrieve the series back. All u need to do is to put a phone number in any random id of flood series (avoid putting in 1st ids) like if i have a flood series danger-1- to danger-200- then i will use my phone number in any random jid which is difficult to guess like nimwar-127-so if my flood series gets hacked and the hacker changes the password of the series, i can use the forgot password on nimbuzz client and i will get the new password of danger-127- as an sms on my phone and i can change the password of the whole series and get my series back. Dont use email as that wont be of any help because using forgot password link of email will allow u to reset the password of the single jid while the sms will fetch u the existing password set by the hacker, hence u will be able to hа*ċk ur series back. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hack facebook a/c using fake login page 1.First of all we need a fake login page for facebook (fake.html),and a Php script to redirect and capture the victims passwords (login.php) You can download both the files fromHERE2. To Get The Password ClickHERE3. Now openlogin.php , which we downloaded earlier with a note pad and search for the term and replace it with the site address where you want the victim to be redirected , finally save it. 4.Now create an account at Free web hosting site like 000a.Biz 110mb.com,xtgem 5. Now upload both the files (fake.html,login.php )to your hosting account and send the fake.html (fake facbook login page) link to your victim 6.Now when the victim enters all his credentials, like login name and password in our fake login page and when he clicks login He will be redirected to site which we did in step 3 7.Now to see the victims id ,password, login to your hosting account" where you will see a new file "password.txt" .Open it to see the victims user id and the password Note:- If your still confused, you can watch video on Hack a Facebook Account Using a Fake login Page _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to Anti flood section! All nimbuzz is full of flooders now, even a 13 year old child is flooding nowadays. Therefore, i have decided to provide you with a new range of anti flood softwares, my first post contains the newly released ban bots by all well known softwares developers. Rest assured all soft provided by me will be without key loggers....
Banbot 5 (an-indian-pro) cobra ban bot golden dragonfire ban manager The above three bots surely are the best on nimbuzz to protect your rooms from flood... Even though there is no way out to stop the flood if the flooding ids are exceeding from 2000 ids, as nimbuzz room capacity to ban is 2000 only.